The Mastermind Behind This Blog

Name of the Evil Genius: Nobonita Chowdhury

Bio: Nobonita is a proud Bengali born and bred in Dhaka. Once a successful book blogger, she decided to put it off for a few years in order to pursue her dreams of studying abroad. She now divides her time between The Upper West Side and Dhaka. She is also a certified Open Water Diver. If you'd like to be her pen pal, she likes postcards, handwritten letters, and other fun scrapbook-y stuff. 

She really loves chatting so don't feel shy to contact her! 



  1. So many pretty covers. I think my favorites would be Arise and Gravity but there are so many!!! Thanks for sharing and all your hard work here.

    laura thomas

  2. Some very intriguing artwork here! The cover for "The Archived" might be my favorite. Anyway, I'm following you now. My blog address is, if you'd like to check it out.



Thank you so much for commenting!You are absolutely about to make my day! :)
I really appreciate feedback from my readers on every single one of my posts but please keep in mind that Daydreaming Bookworm is an award free zone. I used to accept blog award tags before but now I really don't have the time.Sorry!